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Upping the Ante (Ace Attorney Comic Dub)[Paula Peroff]
SELF-HELP - A Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Comic Dub (by Paula Peroff)
hehehe I love both ships 😍#aceattorney #klapollo#wrightworth
nuh uh (Paula Peroff ver.) #phoenixwright #aceattorney
*blows up prosecutor with mind* (Ace Attorney Animation)
Repeating it Delicately (Ace Attorney Animation Remake) [Paula Peroff]
Genetics - an Apollo Justice Comic Dub
The "P" Word - a Phoenix Wright Comic Dub
Flustered - a Phoenix Wright Comic Dub
Flipping the Parrot (Ace Attorney Animation)[Paula Peroff]
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Comic dub: “Name ONE law…”
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Comic dub: “Thanks Dad!”